People get offended by what other people say. People get upset by what other people do. People say things they don't mean and take things the way they aren't meant.
When I state an opinion on here, I don't mean it to be taken offensively. I state my weaknesses, failures, discouragements, achievements, realizations and goals. I talk about how my day went, how life is playing out.
It's not to talk bad about anyone else... believe me. If I wanted to talk bad about someone I would put their names. That's not me. But day in and day out I hear things, see things, talk to people that just starts ideas flowing through my head of how I feel about something. And that's what I blog is for to reflect on how you feel.
You don't like it, don't read it. Sorry to waste your time. I like to write it, so therefore I do. It's not here for anyone, but myself. And I'm happy to share it with those who take it the right way.
I tell what I'm doing right, I tell what I want to make better. I write most things... and they don't even have to be read... just putting it to words is a way of reminding me who I am and how I need to progress.
People constantly tell me they appreciate what I write. And it's not because I'm saying anything that's news to anyone else, I'm not saying anything that hasn't been said before... I'm saying experiences that other people can relate to.
I feel sad. I write. People read. People comment their story or message me their stories. And then I feel a closer bond with them, I feel a motivation to get through it... because it's not just happening to me... and then I get happy. write. and the same thing happens.
I can move through life and when I write, people read, form bonds, I can sail through the happy moments and sad moments, loving each with a supportive shield along the way.
I blog to blog. Don't make it big news, don't make it drama. It's just a little piece of me that I clear my thought path with.
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